Home > Anti-aging > Very Easy Facial Exercises To Look Younger

Very Easy Facial Exercises To Look Younger

facial exercises

Do you look older than you feel?

Do you have wrinkles, loose skin on the neck (turkey neck), and sagging jowls?

These can give the appearance of being old and tired, and can greatly impact the way we feel about ourselves. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Facial exercise, as well as facial yoga are both natural cost-effective ways to achieve a non-surgical face lift, without the pain of surgery, and without breaking the bank.

Benefits of Face Lift Through Exercise:

> Facial exercise benefits the entire face, as well as the neck;

> It reduces fine lines and wrinkles;

> Lifts sagging jowls;

> Minimizes puffy eyes and dark circles;

> Reduces a double chin;

> Lifts droopy eyelids;

> Eliminates crow`s feet;

> Increases collagen and elastin production;

> Stimulates blood circulation;

> Oxygenates the skin cells;

> Hydrates the skin.

> and Detoxify Your Skin

At nighttime, while we are sleeping, toxins can form and waste builds up. Facial exercise can help facilitate lymph drainage while helping improve blood circulation, which has a detoxifying effect on facial skin.

This improves the appearance of the complexion by clearing impurities and dead skin cells while reducing excess fluids and overall puffiness, particularly around the most obvious area, the eyes.

Here are the Best Facial Exercises You Can Use:

(1) Eyebrow Lift

Place the 3 middle fingers of both hands underneath your eyebrows with your palms against your face. Close your eyes and lift your eyebrows up with your finger tips as high as you can without pulling too hard. Next, push brows outwards towards the temples. Now with the muscles of your forehead, push down towards your finger tips and count to 5, then relax. Repeat 5 times.

(2) For Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Using the 3 middle fingers of both hands, press your fingers underneath your eyes on your lower eye sockets, just above your cheek bones. With your eyes open, pull down slightly with your fingertips, trying to close your eyes. Hold for a count of 5, then relax. Repeat 5 times.

(3) Furrow (Frown Lines)

Deliberately scrunch the lines in between your brows, then resist by placing your index fingers above the center of your eyebrows and pulling outwards. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times.

(4) Forehead Lift

Place your fingertips on each side of your forehead above the outer corners of your eyebrows. Pull gently outwards, while lifting your eyebrows up and down. Repeat 10-20 times.

(5) Cheek Lift

Fill one side of your cheek with air ad then the other (like swishing mouthwash). Alternate back and forth 5 times on each side.

(6) Fuller Lips

Make a small “O” with your lips and pretend you are blowing through a straw for 2-3 seconds and then relax your mouth. Repeat 10 times.

(7) For Double Chin

Sitting straight up, tilt your head back looking up at the ceiling. Move your lower lip up over your top lip and hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times. This exercise can also be performed by puckering your lips in a kissing motion.

(8) For Turkey Neck or Sagging Neck

Sitting straight up, tilt your head back and do a chewing motion with your mouth for 30 seconds, 3 times a day.


When performing facial exercises it is important to use only the muscles you are focusing on and not to scrunch other areas of your face. For this reason, it may be a good idea to practice your facial exercises in a mirror the first few times.

By following a good natural skin care regimen and performing a regular facial exercise routine few days a week, you will be amazed just how much younger and more refreshed you will look.

By the way, sometimes I cheat..

Try using this Alpha Ballic Platinum Electronic Facial Massage.  It can be use as a facial massage, for face lifting, tightening, slimming, relaxing, and drainage.

Check it out in Amazon.

Have you done facial exercises before? Share your thoughts. Leave a comment.

12 thoughts on “Very Easy Facial Exercises To Look Younger

  1. I was pleasantly pleased to learn there were facial exercises for faces my age! I was afraid to move the skin on my face for fear I would tear the thin stuff! Exercises with a good picture, excellent directions, and even a 22nd Century tool to help with the massage! I did not know there were facial massage and yoga! I would love to see a couple more images about the massage!
    This is a lovely page and you accomplished your purpose!

    1. Hi Janice! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will definitely consider your suggestion.. I will try to look for good images for the exercises. Cheers!

  2. The benefits of face lift through exercise that reduces fine line and wrinkles is so inviting that it may be applicable for male folks too. What do you say in this regard?

    Hey Hanna, I’ve to bookmark your post and refer it the quicker you shoot me the answer regarding that little fine line and wrinkle thing.

    This is a great Niche. Anti-aging is going to make you a lot of followers.

    Keep posting more tips on this.

    Wishing all success and fun-filled experience in your online hunt.

    1. You`re definitely correct H Phomrong! There are facial exercises (or facial yoga) applicable to men too (though not likely performed in the gym), like correcting some fine lines and wrinkles:
      > The Blowfish, which targets the area around your cheekbones. (Fill your cheeks with air and then slowly release the air out of your mouth)
      > Tone the muscles of your chin and neck. (Lift your lower lip as high as possible while keeping your head straight, hold in position for at least 5 counts, then release).
      Do both exercises 10-12 repetitions.
      Try to do this at least 5 times or more anytime in a day, for several weeks.. and will definitely ease out your fine lines and wrinkles.
      Enjoy the exercises. Thanks for sharing your thoughts:)

  3. This is a great amount of info. My mom uses anti-aging serums mostly, I will be sure to let her know all about this as the addition of these exercises will be very beneficial with the serum.
    This I believe is how most celebs are looking so young. Thank you for this Hanna
    Success Always!

    1. You`re welcome Edmond, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Actually doing these facial exercises in conjunction with the serum, will make the serum of your mom mostly effective!

  4. I will definitely be doing some of those exercises. In fact as I sit here reading, I have already done the double chin and the eyebrow exercises. My hereditary double chin has always bothered me, so maybe I can improve on it a bit 🙂 Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi! These are very simple exercises but if done regularly will definitely give good results. It is about making sure that the blood in your face is circulated well, and the muscles are toned. This will give you a vibrant and glowing face. And it is easy to do, you can do it several times in a day, in anytime in a day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts:)

  5. Your site looks very professional, I just love it. Good mix of pieces of information and advertisement. Great theme, colors, and photos are great. I wish you all the success possible with your site.

    1. Thank you so much Claude! I am glad you like my website. Comments like these motivate me more to share better tips and guides to women like us! Cheers!

  6. I really enjoyed reading these exercises on how to take care of your face naturally. I am over 30 and will definitely need to start doing these. You really look good for your age I would have never guessed you are over 50. Great website it’s really easy to navigate!

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